Fayetteville High School
The Reality check program definitely changed my view on a lot of things about relationships, alcohol, and social media. I actually thought this was a good lesson that helps people be more informed for the future.
I know more now. I feel more likely to think about my choices, no matter what they are, more in depth before I do them. This was also the first time that STDs have been discussed in a school setting towards myself. This is a good program to have out there and thank you all for caring about our knowledge of these subjects.
I thought it was very needed, to be educating us, high schoolers as we start to enter adulthood.
I realized that I should start working towards my big goals earlier on, and that I have the choice to not do bad things like drugs/alcohol.
It made me more aware of my relationships and whether or not I was reaching out to people for the right reasons.
It taught me to really take time to the people around me and make sure that I want them in my life. Also not to rush into an relationship with someone even if I feel that intense attraction because that attraction can wear off and I could end up in a relationship I shouldn't be in.
It just showed me how to treat my body and how to be safe physically and mentally.
it gave me good information on a everyday thing for teens, relationships, sexual activity and how our brain works while in use of alcohol and drugs.
It made me realize that drugs and alcohol are a big deal and we have so much more life to live and experience.
It was very helpful to learn about the impacts of the physical and emotional side of the conflicts of the wrong time and reason to have sexual activity. It is also very good life lesson to learn, obviously, but it's properly the right time, when going into high school.
It opened my eyes to the many aspects of my life and body. Those aspects determine what could happen in the future and the consequences of doing not-so-good things. At the heart of it all, the brain and the feelings you feel are the most important things. So many things have become so much more clear after this program.
Made me realize I shouldn't be lazy. I can’t say I wanna be this and that with no work improvements nor actions. I should be responsible for my work cause my hard work will pay off soon. I just gotta be patient and believe in myself. Thank you for reminder.
The Reality Check program taught me about how to avoid getting stuck in an unhealthy relationship and I learned about how my brain reacts emotionally to different things and the types of attachments it creates.
Remind myself of my ultimate goal and not to lose focus, help me see my problems and reflect, and also focus on myself.
It is a good reminder that you need to make good choices now so that you will thank yourself later in life for the decisions that you are making in this moment so you don’t regret anything and you are content with what you have done because you have so much life ahead of you.
It helped me understand what I need to be careful of and take more consideration in the life ahead of me.
It helps me make better decisions and be a better person each day.
At first I thought this was dumb but then I realized I got so much information from it that I can use in my future.
Helping me understand that bringing people into my life that I don't know well is harmful and that I need to get to know more about that person before letting them get too much involved in my life. Also understanding that the choices I make now affect my future is the impact the Reality Check program had on me.
It gave me a better view of life and I'm more certain of things as well. Now I will be more careful and cautious with what I do. And I will be surrounding myself with people who will bring me up instead of bring be down and will help me get to the future I want to have.
It made me realize how important my future is and how to avoid things that could block me from my goals.
It made me think about relationships in a completely new way.
It gave me a better understanding and view of my responsibilities now and how I can shape my future to be how I want, with the things I do now.
It taught me how to think and act online and how to have healthy relationships with others.
The Reality Check helped me gain a better perspective on what to avoid in order to have a good and successful life. It helped me gain a better understanding of my body and how to protect it.
This helps me better understand my relationships and what to look for and what not to look for. This also helped me understand better of why some of my relationships did end and I know now they didn´t like me for really me; they were toxic relationships. Being smart on social media. Taking care of yourself emotionally and physically. Choices that we make in this short but critical point in our lives impact the rest of our lives.
I think it just highlighted some things that I have been taught in the past and made other things clearer. It showed what can have impacts on our lives and taught me some things I didn't know including some interesting information about love and emotions. I saw how every choice in life may affect your goals and you have to be careful.
The comparison between infatuation and love really opened my eyes on my own and my friends’ relationships. I learned that my own "love" wasn't really love but infatuation. I've also come to realize that there are more important things that I should be focusing on rather than spending my time obsessing over something that might not even happen.
Before you came, I thought that I really wanted to be in relationship with this one person, but I feel like this person only wants one thing from me and I refuse to put myself in the position to be hurt. I now know my worth and I won’t let anyone treat me like I’m nobody.
It was definitely an eye opener that I believe every teenager should learn. We’re never taught about all the different long-term effects of STD’s. Nor do we learn about how condoms should be kept in good condition because in the Media, nobody ever talks about that. They just say, “Have a condom and all the viruses will go away.” That is not reality. Also, all the things about relationships, like love and infatuation are very educating!
This week of Reality Check, Inc. has really made me think hard about my decisions. I was almost stuck in a relationship trap and I know what I need to do to get out of it and how to deal with it. I am going to start the year making the best decisions possible. Thank you.
By you coming, you have made me think more deeply about the decisions I make in what I do, and the things I let myself be a part of. I relate to that girl in that I have been trying to become more mature and in many ways I have, but I didn’t set good boundaries and sent something I shouldn’t have, without thinking about consequences. This has really helped me think before I act in the future. Thank you.
Reality Check, Inc. has done nuthin by made me scared, but I have also learned that scared is a good thing and it makes life easier and better. I have learned that my brain loves to play tricks on me and make me feel worse than I really am. We all needed this more than you know!
I’m grateful for the reality check. I owe a thank you to you because now I know that I must be careful with my decisions. I know that I can’t act in the moment, that I have to think how it will affect me in the long term.
Having this impact truly changed me. I’ve done extremely stupid things not knowing what I was doing and regret it all you’ve changed me. I’m going to set boundaries and do what I feel is right. Thank you for everything.
The impact you gave me taught me a lot. Before you came in here I never considered thinking about what I really want in the future but when you asked about my dream, it really got me thinking and now I’m inspired to aim to reach my dream.
This class has helped me decide what I want and how to set boundaries for myself so I don’t do something that disappoints me.
This course made me open my eyes about drugs, alcohol, and many more.
This changed how I am going to think about relationships and what they mean. It was especially important to me to talk about how you can’t rely on other people to fix internal emotional problems. (in context- you can’t make other people responsible for making you happy.)
This program has really helped me understand the female and male reproduction. Learning what the difference is between infatuation and love. I have learned that my choices are mine, but they can and will affect others around me. I have also learned now to have self-respect for myself, and respect for others. Thank you for coming!
I’ve learned a lot about myself and now U know that whatever I do now will affect me for my whole life which is scary, but it means that I need to be careful, smart, and mature.
A good impact-I feel way more informed about the dangers of bad choices. I haven’t made these kinds of choices before, but have been pressured and made uncomfortable. I now know not to listen to this pressure, and make choices only for myself.
No one has informed me on many of these issues especially not at school. I’ve had to learn many things through movies because no one teaches people my age about sec or emotions. Reality Check, Inc. has been very helpful to me. I have some friends who are struggling or caught up in alcohol and drugs. I never knew what to do to help them, but I understand now, I understand mental affects and reasons people would act like this, and it’s really good to know these things. Thank you so much.
Reality Check, Inc. has made me realize that not everything is consequence free and I need to think before doing certain things that can get me in trouble. It has also helped me realize some of the dangers of sex.
Reality Check, Inc. has helped me learn about how to take care of myself positively. I normally try to do that, but this helped me find other ways to do that. It has also helped me to think through my decisions a little more than what I normally do.
I have learned a lot about self-respect and harmful things that can happen to me if I am not careful I feel like I can be more safe now and make wise choices. Thank you.
I was most impacted by how almost every area of life can affect your sexual life. How many different things play into the way we make decisions.. Also how knowledgeable the teaching was and I was thankful for how comfortable (even if a little grossed out sometimes) I felt.
This is the first teaching I’ve had about being a unique human being and appreciating yourself.
I have recently had a boyfriend who has been trying to move me to have sex with him. We were together ‘til as of last week. When I broke it off with him he threatened to hurt himself so I would stay with him. But you coming has really made me think about how he wasn’t a good boyfriend and I needed out of the relationship. I have had a great learning experience. Thank you for coming.
“Reality Check, Inc. has taught me that I am my own person and I am a one-in-309,485,009,821,224,700,000,000,000 person. My life matters! This class showed me that I can be my own person. I now understand that my life matters. I’ve learned that an action also has a ripple effect also causing me to realize the impact that suicide would make, therefore it’s not the right answer, and that getting help is.”
I’m a victim of sexual abuse trauma and want to thank you for saying it wasn’t my fault.
This class has really opened up my mind and also refreshed my mind. I can say that I have learned so much more and I am glad that I did. You made me realize that I really want to challenge myself now in order to succeed in the future. I am very thankful for the work that you do. Thank you for taking your time. Your work is amazing.
These sessions really made me think of my decisions. While you were going over the infatuation and marijuana subjects it really did make me think back to the mistakes I’ve made and how much of an impact it has actually made in my life without me knowing about it. I hope to use this to prevent others from doing the same mistakes and raise awareness.
The impact that this had for me is realizing that whatever you send (electronically) stays there. I’m never gonna risk what I have in my future for something less right now in this short period of my life.
I’m glad other people my age got to hear some of this because people are so compulsive and loose with their decision making that it scares me. I’ve been through a lot for my age and all this allows me to see my world more clearly.
This has really given me an idea about the levels of maturity it takes to grow up and allowed me to think about what I need to succeed.
Has helped me to take a second look at some of the friendships/relationships in my life and the way they affect me.
It has made me rethink some of the things I have done in my life and that I want to change the way I go and do for my future.
It made me realize that you can never be too careful and that you always want to be yourself and not let other people peer pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do.
Learning about sex, relationships, drugs, etc. has made me think a lot about what I’ve heard in my community. False love isn’t right, feelings can be misunderstood.
I believe this class impacted me in a positive way to be more responsible and it taught me some things that I can carry forward the rest of my life, so I thank you.
This class has taught me things I’ll need later in life. It also gave me skills that I’ll need to know.
You made learning bearable and fun. The things we learned about were eye-opening.
I thought this would be mostly a waste like the rest of health, but it was actually helpful. I learned a lot about anatomy and a lot about emotions and feelings.
This class has impacted me by reminding me how valuable I am and how so many things can influence me and my life.
I have learned so much about the risks about being sexually active and how a baby is made. I have learned about how challenges in live can be made into a positive in the future, even though it may be hard to understand at the time.
Gave me inspiration to do better now so my future is easier.
This class has helped me have more hope in myself that I can save myself from this hole I’m in.
Mr. Pratt, this class has been the best impact in my life, especially right now. I have been going through relationship and friendship problems and everything you have said has really helped me personally. Thank you.
Over the last 3 classes, I’ve learned how important it is to make good decisions and to make sure you’re always comfortable with what you’re doing.
These lessons helped show me what safe truly means. And helps me know that the future will be bright as long as you make good choices.
These lessons taught me that it’s ok to say no to people.
I learned interesting things about the avoidance of STD’s. I plan on abstinence until marriage.
I was impacted by how much my choices matter for my future.
I got a chance to finally realize why I was having some problems in my life. I thank you for opening my eyes.
STD’s scared me but now I’m going to be more cautious.
What impacted me was that people don’t need to influence you.
I realized my current relationship might be one sided and not truly love. A lot of this stuff taught me the scientific reason behind emotions.
Some decisions I’ve made have had bad consequences, made me like things that aren’t good. I realized this and started doing other things to like something different than the bad things. For a while I thought it wouldn’t work and did nothing. Your discussion on neurological pathways and emotional chemical bonds lasting and being able to be replaced gave me the assurance that what I’m doing will work. It gave me confidence in what I’m doing. Thank you for the discussion. I’m sure my interests and actions will be in healthy relationships soon.
This class has taught me how to gain self-confidence & learn the importance of not giving up. I learned that it’s not too late to have a happy ending. No matter what I’ve gone through, I can always turn it around for the better.
I have a lot more time to go and I can do better in school. To believe in myself more. And to pay attention to the people that surround me. My story doesn’t have to end right now.
This class has made me more aware and made me feel better about myself. I now know of all the risks of bad relationships and sexual activity. This last day, you talked a little about how it’s not too late and that gave me hope. I often have bad thoughts and this helped.
This class impact on me was a great way to answer some questions that I’m too shy to ask out loud and it backed my opinion on how our choices not only affect us, but all the people around us. While our choices do affect us, they do not define us.
It has shown me realities of risks I’ve already taken before and showed me how lucky I am to have not had anything happen to me. I was unaware of the dangers of sexting and if I hadn’t known that I would continue to take them. Overall this has been helpful. Thank you.
This class has a big impact on me because before you came I didn’t know/understand any of the things you were talking about. Now I understand the risk of people in your circle and the risk of having sex with random people and I am so happy that you came.
I understand a lot more. I’m a really awkward kid so my parents haven’t given me the sex talk or anything so thanks for informing me. I also learned a few things about myself. You made a big impact on me. Thanks. J
This class had me thinking all week about where my life was going and it made me want to change how quick I let people come into my life and whether I’m attracted in a sexual, physical, or emotional way that I should get to know someone before I let them into my life because it could affect my emotions.
This class has impacted me because as we were being taught and reminded of these things there was personal stuff going on with my friends and myself, coming to this class helped me get the answers I needed. Thank you.
The information that I was given was something I didn’t realize about life until now. Now I have the motivation to go about life differently, seeing things differently. Thank you for sharing/giving this information.
The past few days spent listening and taking not of information in this class has allowed me to think again about my plans for the future and to choose carefully what I wish for myself in the path ahead. It has taught me about how important choices are that will affect me and others and to be smart in choosing the future for me.
Boundaries are really important and can seem really dumb, but they can impact your life in a very good way if you stick to them.
In the reality check lesson, the most important thing I learned that stuck in my brain is the brain and social media information. I never realized all this info about how my brain works and no that I know I feel I can apply this in the future. J Thank you!
Reality Check made me realize that I need to have my own set of morals or core values to base my decisions and boundaries. While the values may alter slightly I will make absolute values to structure myself. I will be more mindful of my decisions as I enter adulthood.
I will respect myself and not ever send a nude (picture) and will wait till marriage to have sex and take care of myself by not doing drugs or alcohol and follow my dreams and reach my goals.
To not only understand what I should and should not do, but how I can avoid them while still living a good life.
I learned a lot from the Reality Check and how my decisions and boundaries affect my life throughout the whole lifespan of me. I am glad that we got some education based on sex, protection, and risks. Thank you for doing this and I hope you continue to do these talks.
I am grateful you have come and educated me on this. I appreciate you have respected people’s decisions and values whilst educating us on what could be a sensitive subject. You still let us have choices, but also the education needed to make those. I also like how you made it about the Big Picture. Thank you for coming!
I really enjoyed myself in this class it made me want to change and showed me the higher risk of sexual activity. It made me have more respect for myself and friends and think totally different and have higher standards for myself.
Thank you for coming! I learned so much ! I know everything I need to do to stay on the right path. I appreciate you coming and teaching me so much. I appreciate you not hiding anything but giving it straight up. You were very full of information that really benefited me. Thank you so much for coming.!
This lesson really gives clarification about things. It is HELPFUL to know that I am special and people need to respect me. I will make my boundaries and no one can break my boundaries. Thank you for helping us all and teaching us the truth. You have taught us all about self respect which is the most important thing to me. THANK YOU for your wise words and caring about making young adults feel confident with their boundaries and integrity Thank you so much and God bless you.
Thank you for coming and doing this lesson . I learned a lot about self respect and setting goals for myself and don’t be distracted and get off track. This was very important to me because my goal is very important for me.
What I learned in this class is that not only are other peoples choices are important but my choices are as important if not more. I feel like guys in this class are going to show more respect for our choices, at least I hope. I know now that I need to learn more about myself.
I learned a lot about things I had no idea existed such as the negative affects/ consequences of STD’s I’ve realized that I may not have friends with similar core values and I may need to walk away from them. Thank you for helping me realize this.
I think your teaching is very effective and I learned a lot from the three days you came to our class. I never knew about all the dangers and about std’s and stuff. I never actually thought it was a big deal. But now I realize it really is and there’s many consequences when you engage in sexual activity. Also, I never knew you could get in trouble for sending nude photos of yourself. I didn’t know that was a law and I didn’t know that you could get pressed charges against you for taking them. I’ve never actually thought about any of this stuff until you came and taught us. Thank you for taking the time to come to our class and tell us about these things and to warn us about it.
To respect myself and be more careful when I get into a relationship. Be focused on the positive and not the negative and keep my mind on my goals and what matters.
I learned about my value and how I should handle/treat my relationships. Thank you for showing me to pay attention to my core values and setting boundaries. I’m so thankful for you coming.
My experience from this is that it was very eye opening. My only worry before was getting pregnant. I didn’t know about STD’s but now I do and I really appreciate you coming. Thank you.
To help respect myself and realize I have my own control. I’m currently in a relationship where my boyfriend is very controlling and very dependent on me. We have been together for 2 years. I have a job, work everyday after school and on weekends. It’s hard, lack of sleep is something major I’m going through He lives on his own so has bills and every time I get paid he is always asking for money I have never been able to say no. But now I know I can. I can tell him NO. I work hard everyday. For myself, not him. He’s always saying I can’t hang out with my friends, but I CAN. This is MY life.
I think that Reality Check, Inc. is a brilliant program, I love what you’re doing. These past few days have opened my eyes. I feel more intelligent and prepared for anything. Mrs. Bryant was the best teacher and this program was a great experience.
This class has really had a big impact! It’s really made me look at my actions and goals and want to do my absolute best. Now I know the boundaries I need to make and how I can act with a mature attitude. Thank you so much!
I came from a past that included emotional, physical, and substance abuse, very recently, some memories that were shoved away arose again. Therefore, many problems have rooted in the way I see things. Although I know the time was brief, it was helpful. I understood I am NOT worthless. I came in here expecting to be bored and left with hope. So thanks!
This class impact: You reminded me to focus on my goal in a way that was comprehensible. You’re a great speaker that I hope I will always remember. Watch out for me in the future.
I wanna say thank you for showing me about my body and how it works and also how to get back on my feet and I wish you have a great day!
This class has taught me a lot about how risky sex can be and how it is a very important thing that should not be casual. I learned about my personal boundaries and what matters to me the most. Thank you for coming here and teaching me all of this.
This class impacted me by opening my eyes to all the risks of sex and all the std’s out there and the risks of teen pregnancy. B/C a lot of people in my family have had children very young and the same with my mom, she’s 38 just finishing college. And I really don’t want to be like that. Me and my boyfriend do have sex often. And we have never used condom since I was on birth control. But now since I see it doesn't work like I thought, it definitely opened my eyes. Thank you so much.
This class impacted me because of how much I learned and of how much more aware of myself I am now. I know how to improve my character and show it.
Reality Check, Inc. you came to my school and spoke and showed that is shouldn’t do things that you aren’t supposed to do at a young age. That I shouldn’t be pressured to do anything I don’t want to . My best friend and I both lost our virginity. The guys are friends. These boys are nasty and they don’t care about anything. I now see they are immature. They have se with many girls and even shared girls this summer. One of them came down with chlamydia so we had to get checked I’m pretty sure I will never have sex again. Many girls still try to date them but they know they might have something. I don’t have the disease thank God but I learned a very good life lesson . I now know how diseases spread and sometimes people are scared to tell the truth. I’m trying to move into being mature. Now I’ve set boundaries. Thank you!
I walked in thinking that “Why do we have to be here!” but if I had a choice to be here and listen, I would! Self Respect, I struggle with that. I never have liked the way I look. But listening to what you said made me value myself more. My circle, I let everyone in. I never cared who I was with or who I hanged out with but now I have to be careful who I let in. Now I know things I never knew. Thank you, Hope life treats you well.
This class taught me that being careful isn’t the real solution The real solution is sticking to your values following your own boundaries and having fun the way that wouldn’t be bad for you.
This class helped me see and understand the steps to make my dream a reality and see who I want to become. I can not say any words how much this has helped me other than THANK YOU!
I would like to thank you for teaching me all this. This helped me figure our a lot of things. For example, I am commonly asked for pictures and to get involved in sexual activity. I am told that I will feel better about myself or if I didn’t do it these people would hate me. I learned that that is not healthy and I can get in trouble I have never done these things but I was considering it. I didn’t know the laws and now I know and I won’t be doing that I will now get those people out of my life I won’t risk getting pregnant or std’s I used to think condoms fully protected. Thank you.
You asked us how you could respect us and honestly, I had no idea, so I know now what respect is for me. I also learned to respect myself and that to save my sex and to hang around people that influence good in you and that do not pressure you.
Thank you for teaching me that I need to push my character to the match my physical maturity I’m going to take that and run with it so I can achieve my goals.
These few days in this class has shown me many things. I’ve learned how to respect and value myself more and it’s also shown me some of the consequences my actions can lead to. Thank you for giving us your time.
This class had a big impact on me. It shows me that it’s not a bad thing or something to be ashamed of that I am a junior in high school and I’m still a virgin. It taught me that I need to learn to respect myself and my body ad that I need to stick with my boundaries to save myself for marriage. It also taught me that I need to hang around the right people that respect me for me and my personality. Thank you for coming.
Before this class I thought people who thought sex before marriage was wrong were over doing it a bit. Now I know there’s a lot more things that come with having sex, therefore I will be waiting until I get married because my sex is not casual.
After this week, I am going to walk away knowing that I am valued, respected, and that I need to do the right thing and make good choices.
This class encouraged me to define boundaries in a way that help me accomplish my goals. Also to evaluate my goals, how are my decisions in the past few days effecting how my goals will be accomplished, as well as evaluating decisions I’ve been making and will make.
It made a good impact on me. I know what to do w/my life now to feel respected and healthy w/my life and others. I know how to reach my goals and what to do to reach them. Thank you so much for coming and teaching me how to be a better me… I promise I will live a happy and healthy life and make you and I both proud.
Reality Check taught me tons of new things. But most importantly, it taught me a new deeper meaning of maturity and immaturity. This class gave me a bigger sense of who I want to be, from setting boundary to reaching my goal. I couldn’t ask for much more.
I above all people thought this lesson was going to be a waste of my time. Reality Check, in reality, has done the complete opposite for me, preventing me from wasting my time with the wrong boy. Reality Check made me realize how unhealthy my relationship actually is. It is not okay to be treated the way I have been treated and I now know all I have to do is set standards and boundaries, thank you so much!
The impact this class had on me was very important – I learned to set my priorities and learn what boundaries I need to keep to be successful in high school.
Reality Check impacted me so much. I learned things about myself. I learned how to set boundaries. Not many people have described self-respect like you have. Out of several therapists I’ve never learned respect like this. I never understood how dangerous kissing could be, I never knew anything about birth control. I am a transgen, hormones affect my life. I learned things from you I never would have normally.
I’ve made some really bad decisions in the past year regarding friend choices, dishonesty, and other things. This has helped me to realize how much I have and how these decisions, and hanging out with these people can jeopardize my future. It’s not worth it. Over the past week I have changed for the better.
From this class I’ve realized that I matter and so my decisions matter to. Before Ms. King came I was considering doing things with a guy and the first day Ms. King was here I realized that I wasn’t ready for that that I wasn’t ready to give a piece of myself to him.
This class has had a major impact. I have started hanging out with some bad ppl and this class has showed me that if I continue to hang out with them I will never meet my goal I wrote down.
Reality Check has made a big impact on me because during this school year a lot of my friends were skipping school and I went with them and my grades dropped and really messed my life up. Now I know better to respect myself.
This class has impacted me a lot. I now have more boundaries for myself than I had before. I have always struggled with friendships, and how I let people treat me I have noticed that I have let people that didn’t treat me very well in my personal circle that shouldn’t be. I appreciate you showing me that they don’t have to be there if I don’t want them to be. I learned so much in this class in general about myself and also just in life.
I’ve learned how I need to take more precautions. This impacted me the most because this will affect me my entire life, not just in the time I’m living in now.
This class has taught me that I need to set my boundaries where I want them and stay away from them. I have been fortunate enough to avoid bad situations, but this class has taught me how to avoid bad situations through the relationships I have and the people I trust.
This program has educated me on sexually transmitted diseases to a point that I am rethinking my future sexual decisions. I will also definitely be cleaning out my phone, and setting media boundaries.
This class made me think way more before I act. B/C one situation provides temporary happiness could affect me and that person forever.
This class has brought me to a realization to some of the things that I’ve done and some things that I still participate in. I live with my family where things have been corrupt and my parents didn’t build their relationship on good terms, and it obviously showed shortly after their divorce happened. I’ve always known that I want something more for myself, and you’ve shown me how to obtain that.
This class is the very best class I’ve been in. There was not one second in this class where I wasn’t thinking of a way to improve. I am a freshman, 15 years old and I have been in therapy for almost a year now. I have been sexually assaulted and watched my older sister be in an abusive relationship. Today, I learned that I can say something. You gave me courage that I didn’t know I had.
I feel like this was probably the best sex-ed I’ve ever had. Most of the time it’s just like “okay use condoms, don’t be stupid.” I felt like this was the best. Basically what I’ve learned is that I should never do anything that would disrespect or dishonor myself, my friends, or family.
I’ve always been really conscious about risks, I knew most of what was taught, but it validated all the risks of everything my friends are doing. Life isn’t just right now, its forever. Consequences are forever and I will do everything I can to protect my forever.
It made me realize that some of my friends could be blocking me from what I actually want in life and I might need to not have them in my life.
There was a lot that I learned about myself being in this class. Being in this class has made me think about my past decisions about love and infatuation that I often confused those things. Starting today I’ve decided to change that.
This class has made an impact on me by teaching me the values of loving others and respecting others. This has made me realize that I’m more than what everybody things of me and my own thoughts. I am a loving human being.
This class made me realize how much high school effects my future. It made me think about what I want in my future and now I can make that happen now. From now on I want to make myself the best person I can be for me and my future.