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Bentonville West HS


  • This week has really impacted my life because it’s helped me understand what I need to be doing/not doing to get where I want to be.  I have lots of toxic/fake friends, but have had trouble “getting rid of them” because I don’t want to be alone.  Now I see that they’re stopping me from being everything I can be and I should get more friends that will build me.  And even if I have to be alone for a while, it’s better than being held down by others.

  • This week has made me realize stuff that I didn’t know was so serious.  I feel good that someone talked about this stuff.  I feel better and I feel like the things you talked about is going to change me.  Thank you so much for your time.

  • This class has shown me ways to cope with my past.

  • I have learned so much and it has truly inspired me.  I am very against drugs and alcohol and will never try it.  And even though I have a boyfriend which I know will be with me forever, we are both waiting till marriage.  Thank you so much for coming!

  • It’s taught me to be more self aware and how things affect me on more than just the surface level.

  • Now I know that I can change my life and not base it on my past.

  • This has helped me recognize that some things are not worth prioritizing because I have the rest of my life to do so (sex, having a boyfriend, etc.).

  • This week helped me understand the importance of living in the present.  Thank you for making me feel valued and seen.  Please return.

  • The lessons gave me a whole new perspective of sex.  I had thought there really couldn’t be much to it, but learning about our feelings and everything was a really good class.

  • I think I’ve actually learned something that’s useful.  You might just be more insightful than my therapist.  Thank you!

  • This class has taught me that feelings come in all different ways.  It is okay to feel them.  It showed me how much the little things matter to you and others.  But compromising yourself for someone else is not okay.

  • I listen to music that promotes heavy drug use.  This helped me make a decision to quit.

  • I want to thank you for taking the time to educate us on important matters that will certainly benefit us in the future.  You taught lessons about emotional maturity that create positive paths in our futures.  I am thankful.

  • This has impacted me in the ways I make choices and how I think about myself.  Some of the choices I have made in my life have been horrible for my confidence and self-esteem.  But thanks to this class, I can make smart choices that will have a positive effect on my life.

  • This week made me realize that my emotions matter.  😊

  • I have learned so much.  I grew up in a Christian family that told me it was good to wait to have sex, but I didn’t know the reasons why, especially psychologically.  My dad struggled with porn addiction, but got past it.  He is now more present in my life.  I am glad I have learned more about this topic so that I am less likely to repeat what he went through. 

  • This past week has shown me the importance of my health and decisions.  It has shown me how my brain is affected and I think it has truly bettered my mindset.

  • This class has impacted me in many ways.  I think this is valuable information for the future and will help me with my choices throughout life.

  • This class has impacted me by teaching me about myself and how to be more responsible with decisions I make.

  • This class really changed me.  I got good tips that I will do and consider.

  • This class has helped me a lot.  I know people who have done drugs, drank alcohol, and have done sexual things for a while.  I also had thought about doing those things, but haven’t because I wanted to be healthy.  But learning more about the consequences and risks has helped me stay on that path and where I feel more comfortable.

  • This experience has changed my perspective of some points in life like maturity, self-control, and decision making.  It has gotten me to slow down and think about things in my life, and taught me to take a step back.  I’ve learned a lot, and I feel better than I did before.

  • This class has made me think more about my decisions I make and how that can affect me.  As well as different sexual activities and the way it affects me more than just physically.

  • This experience has opened my eyes to several matters I was not familiar with.  I struggle with several things and this class has showed me the severity of what can happen if these things continue and become worse.

  • Made me rethink things and understand why I should think things over.

  • This class has really opened my eyes about decisions that I can make and it’s really enlightened me to avoid certain things in order to live a better life.

  • This has impacted my life a lot.  I will think about my actions.  I will not use drugs or alcohol at all.

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