Eureka Springs High School
This class taught me that we write our own stories and not to let other people try to write it for us. And what we do now will determine what our future holds for us. It also taught me that my past doesn’t determine my future and I can get past my past.
This class for me was very clarifying and makes me more certain about the decisions I’m about to make and possibly will make.
The impact of this class is to not avoid my problems and be honest. Be a better friend, sister, daughter. I hope that one day I can be the light for someone.
I learned that self worth is where I need to start my journey.
It taught me things about my emotions and setting goals. It’s a good class and teaches about mental health.
I learned so many things about the reality of life, how it isn’t too late for people to change.
It impacted me a lot and I hope it has a positive impact on the rest of my colleagues in school.
Made me feel valuable.
This class was very cool and fun to learn from, especially due to some of the things you taught for my future and some of the class activities to participate in.
Showing me truth.
Made me think about some people that I know and made me realize a lot about myself and maybe can help me reprogram my brain. I’m getting help now for my craving of the feeling of pain.
While I did know a lot of what we learned about, I did start to realize that I’m even more unhealthy than I thought. I have a lot of work to do.
Protection is not all that matters.
It has helped me to understand that I and everyone is worthy of compassion and acceptance and to follow their dreams no matter the circumstances of life or any hardships. Thank you so much for the class, it impacted me a lot!
This class has helped me realize that I need to value my own self worth. I also learned the difference between love and infatuation which has helped me.
I learned that in life, not everything will go my way, but that’s ok. It’s okay not to be ok. Thank you.
It reflected the other side of the point. Every angle has their own view. It also helped me understand negative thought and to focus on the positive side.
This class has shown me to take my time and truly think about everything I do. You showed us giving up ISN’T the option.
This class helped me by the way I’ve viewed my problems and how to express myself without feeling ashamed.
The time in this class has been fun and I’ve had some time to really think about what I want to do with my life and how to express myself to others. And to get help and talk to someone.
This class has had an impact on my moral standing. It has also had an impact on my mental health.
Showed me to be more forgiving/kind/confident in choices. Showed me to feel good about the small things. Showed me how to handle different environments.
I have learned to be honest when nobody is watching. I also learned that I shouldn’t change my picture based off what others think about it.
You have showed me to look at things through other points of view.
Opened my eyes and shown me I should be grateful for more than I am.
Shown me that the negatives aren’t always as big as I think they are.
I have never confronted that situation nor have I talked to anyone about it. I now feel encouraged to receive help.
This week impacted me by showing me my self worth and values.
This week has opened my eyes to a lot of new risks that I did not know were out there. Now I know how I can be safe.
The most important thing to me was the difference between love and infatuation. That helped me out with some issues.
This week has showed I can be who I am and it doesn't really matter what others think.
I know that we are in control of our lives and we are worth making the best decisions for ourselves. I matter.
Your presentation made me think about choosing friends/boyfriends carefully.
I have reaffirmed my beliefs in no drugs, alcohol, and avoiding toxic people.
This week has helped me see how important choices are and what impacts they have in the long run. I am more aware of my choices and will do better to make more logical choices.
Reminded me to set boundaries and to realize my self worth when letting people in my circle.
I want to focus on goals and control my emotions more.
This week had a big impact on me because everything I was taught is super important to me.
I learned a lot of information this week that I know will keep me safe in the future. I'll make sure I keep these things in mind, since they really changed the way I look at certain things.
I learned that just because I think someone is good for me that doesn't mean they really are.
It helped me think about my life choices and don't let stupid things affect me.
To know your value and your self worth.
My toxic relationship came to an end because of this!
It is okay if you have made choices that are not good, you can fix everything.
That myself matters more than the people around me think.