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Southwest Junior High


  • This class has helped me knowing the dangers of life whether it comes to sex or just other decisions you make in life.  I’ve looked at people differently ever since I’ve been in this class.  I’ve reflected a lot and I’ve learned a lot.  I thought that I would be judged if I didn’t have sex and now that thought has changed.  Thank you for your help.

  • This impacted me by helping me to be more aware and to make my own decisions in my life that’s best for me.

  • This class enlightened me on topics I barely knew of.  How a person’s behavior, no matter how small, can leave a huge impact.  I’ll make this info into something positive to help improve myself.

  • This week helped me to know there will sometimes be “down” in life, but we have a long time to go and do better.  The past doesn’t define you.

  • It helped me realize that because of trauma I was blindfolded, but I talked to someone about it and it helped me feel better afterwards.

  • It has impacted me to make good decisions and quit some of the bad habits I have.

  • This class has impacted me by really looking into my future and wanting to do better things for myself.

  • This class impacted me a lot because all the talks really made me open up and it made me think about how my future will be better knowing this information.

  • It made me rethink what I want to do and to have a more positive mindset.

  • I personally have a porn addiction, so I’m glad you talked about it because I’ve been trying to stop watching it.

  • This week has been very good.  I have learned new ways to love, care, and strengthen myself.

  • It’s helped me be smarter about the choices I make and the people I surround myself with, especially boys.

  • This class impacted the way I see relationships, the brain, and addictions.

  • I learned that there are other ways to cope that are healthier for me.

  • It has shown me various ways to be assured of things in life.  It’s as if I had an older brother looking out for me and having a hand on me making sure I’m fine.

  • I have really began to think about how I want my relationships to be and what they will stand on.

  • It helped me by learning to not do stuff that will affect your future or your family.  Put the past behind you and focus on your future.

  • During this week, I have learned valuable information that will stay in my mind for the rest of my life.  There are things that I became aware of that I did not realize would impact me so heavily.  So thank you for coming, I will definitely life my life a little differently.  😊

  • This class impacted me because it showed me never to rush into relationships or into sex.

  • It has helped me by learning that people are here for me when I need them.

  • It helped me understand my feeling and emotional connection.  Also learned new stuff that will help me later on in life.

  • It’s given me a lot to think about.  For example, I’ve been holding on to a feeling that has long passed.  Now I can let it go and move on.

  • This class impacted me a lot because I felt down and wasn’t feeling myself.  But this class made me feel better and I feel like myself again.

  • It has impacted me by being better and hearing helpful advice.  I was struggling with a relationship and hearing your talk about relationships helped a lot..

  • I’ve become more knowledgeable about how I can learn about myself as a person.  I now know things that I can not only apply in the present, but in the future also.  I can share the information I have learned with my friends and family who need help, or just in general.

  • What impacted me was sex and all the things that can happen.  It really makes me want to wait to do that stuff, so I’m glad you came.



  • This class impacted me by letting me know the dangers and consequences of making rash decisions in my teenage years.  I know now that the lifestyle I am striving for will need me to make good decisions.

  • I realize that I do need to break up with my boyfriend and that I should call my mom back and forgive her so all the anger can leave my mind.

  • This class has made me realize how many unhealthy decisions I have made that could negatively influence me long-term.  I have also realized I should speak up about some things.

  • This class has set a thankful reminder for me.  It reminds me of where I want my life to go.  Thank you.

  • This class has impacted my life in a positive way.  It made me realize that everything I do matters.  It will have an effect on me.

  • This has impacted me by changing my perspective on many things in my life and in my future.

  • It impacted me by making better choices and not to do stuff that I will regret in the future.

  • It has helped me by thinking about what I do or say before I do anything that might hurt me or others.

  • I’ve learned so much.  I can’t believe the many things I’ve learned.  So many of my choices and decisions have changed because of this week.  Thank you.

  • This class has impacted me because it gave me a different mindset about my future, and also the choices I will make in the future.  I want to thank you for the class because you have shared very valuable information that I wouldn’t have tried to look for otherwise.

  • This class has impacted me by making me think what I am about to do and think of the consequences.

  • This class has taught me more than what I usually think about and made me think about my actions and what I plan to do in my life.

  • It made me want to make better and smarter choices.

  • It really helped me to be careful and to always protect my body.

  • It made me realize that I need to be very careful when it comes to being sexually active and has made me realize that you can't change bad people unless they want to change.

  • It made me think about my future and that I should make better decisions so my future doesn't get affected.

  • It taught me more about my relationships and I learned some things need to change.

  • This class helped me realize that the decisions we do now can have big consequences in the future.



  • This program made me think differently about my life as a whole, because this is a very short period of my life, and I've realized that the things I think and feel will not ruin my whole life if I don't let them. It has made me think about the bigger picture and my future and my decisions that could affect me later in life.

  • It gave me a look on how things would be so difficult if I chose to take the wrong path. So it taught me to always take the right path.

  • It made me look deeper into life than I did before.

  • It informed me the danger of letting someone in my circle that shouldn't be there.

  • There is more meaning to my body and life.

  • It tought me how to do healthy decisions (:

  • It showed me the value of myself and those around me and the chance I have to make the best life possible through decision making.

  • Look at things in a new different way and to take care of myself.

  • It really changed my perspective on what he talked about. He gave really good information that I can use in the future.

  • It helped me a lot by teaching me a lot about how to protect myself and how to do things properly. He also taught me a lot about my body and how it works.

  • I feel like he personally connected with us which made me and many other students feel like he actually cared about what he was talking about and he explained everything to our level of understanding. I feel like it impacted me to realize the things I should do and things I shouldn't do! I really love this program because it makes talking about these things not as awkward.

  • It gave me hope.

  • Helped with communicating with other people more.

  • To be more careful with my body.

  • It helped me be more confident.

  • It made me do things that would help others.

  • That you need to check someone personality before you date them.

  • It taught me a lot of safety precautions and also taught me to re think my choices.

  • Taught me to be safe about my body and how to have a healthy relationship.

  • It made me realize that I should think about things before I do them and also think of others. Understand and think more realistically.

  • It opened my eyes on a lot of subjects I did not really know about.

  • I learned how to take of myself and other better.

  • It taught me valuable lessons about life that people don’t usually talk about.

  • It let me be informed and talked to on a more personal level about things I may not want to bring up myself. I'd kinda want to have a more personal talk as well.

  • It had a positive impact that has help me behave at home better.



  • The impact on me was to not give away my body.

  • When talking about teen pregnancy….I made a mistake and did what I shouldn’t have done.  But listening to you changed my life.  Thank you!

  • It impacted me to know my worth towards myself and taught me I can have limits.

  • What impacted me was self-directed choices to keep me safe and good outside of school.

  • It helped me see the impact of making bad choices that used to seem not so bad.

  • It made me realize that not everything is fun and games and that there are many risks that come with making big decisions.

  • A reminder that everyone has value and people need to respect it.

  • Opened my perspective on how to deal with peer pressure and how to think and feel on certain things.

  • You really opened my eye about how everything I’m working for now affects my future!

  • You have helped me so much by telling me about life.



  • It has made me realize that what I do now as a teenager will affect not only my future but other peoples future.

  • Now I know that what I do right now affects my Future.

  • What impacted me was that we don’t have to feel pressured on things like having sex if we don’t want to and can plan it until marriage.

  • The thing that impacted me the most is todays lesson about love and infatuation. Also the risk and consequences that can occur with sex.

  • The thing that impacted me the most was the risks and physical consequences that can actually happen to people who are sexually active.

  • Something that impacted me the most is being careful who you have sex with and how many people you have it with because not everything is always safe.

  • Because of this class I’ve learned how to be more safe. This has influenced my decisions in the future by a lot.

  • The topic that impacted me most was the STDs because it makes me think about being safe when I get married and start having sex.

  • To be more cautious and stay safe. I am glad I came to this class and to know more about this.

  • This class has impacted me in such a great way. Like the logo, it really did give me a reality check. I feel like this has and will better prepare me for my future. This has taught me to make better decisions in life.

  • This class has impacted me by knowing who to give my trust to and who deserves to be trusted. Being able to know what to be aware of STD’s. About my friendships and about boundaries.

  • This class has informed me of a lot this week. I have learned about my emotions and how they can impact my decisions and consequences. I also have a better grasp of sex and pressures in my life.

  • This class has affected me to see how the things learned here can help you in real life. It has also helped me learn the differences between true love and false love. This class has also helped me by showing me how to protect myself. Thank you.

  • This class has impacted me by teaching me about being a better person while staying true to myself and my values.

  • It made me stop and think like is what I’m doing really what I want?

  • This class has made me be more cautious in the way I act. I haven’t done anything yet, but I haven’t set boundaries which are important in any relationship.

  • It’s changed my mind about who to trust and let in to my life, and how to evaluate relationships.

  • This class has taught me to look deeper into my relationship, and what I need to do within that relationship to keep my life on the right track.

  • This class has made me think for more of myself and change my ways. Its helped me make boundaries for myself.

  • It taught me life choices and decisions for the future. It taught me to never give up and don’t let people bring me down.

  • This class teached me how to be responsible. It taught me A LOT of new things, and explained the reasons and consequences I asked to myself. Now I know that a lot of teens think that sex isn’t a big deal but it is.

  • This class helped me to understand that one has to consider their priorities before becoming sexually active. One has to stay true to their values in order to live a fulfilling life.

  • It made me realize that I need to start being more mature.

  • It’s helped me learn more about speaking up for myself.

  • Taught me lessons and how my choices will effect me. Made me think wiser and smarter about my future and how I control my life.

  • This class made me realize that taking care of your body is very important and it also taught me so many causes that can happen when doing something with sexual activities.

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