Har-Ber High School
This impacted me mentally and physically because most of the things that were talked about, I’m currently going through them and so are the people that are in my inner circle. This has made me realize who really deserves to be in my circle, what true love is, and that I need to make the right choices and focus on the big picture instead of one thing.
Honestly, this entire week I’ve been thinking about past relationships, the relationship I’m currently in, and what I want my future relationships to be based upon and look like. Everything you said I was able to bring it back to my current relationship and the parts I’m happy and unhappy about! I need to focus on my future and write my own story.
This class has impacted the way I treat my life and how I should take better care of myself.
This class has impacted me to make better choices. I see that I’m not the only one with these kind of feelings.
It positively impacted me and I would like to hear more and learn more. It has made me realize that, yes, she is my mother, but she can still be wrong. It also made me realize I may be relying on my mammalian/feeling part of my brain too much. Thank you.
Very impactful just to understand more about relationships and what’s healthy and what’s not healthy. Really helped me rethink friendships and other types of relationships.
To you I am another faceless student. But when you talked about drugs and how important the brain was, it made me wonder why I do marijuana and LSD. I have felt that it has affected my brain. I just needed someone to tell me, I guess.
It has taught me how to protect my mind and body. It has changed my point of view of topics I thought I knew a lot about.
I have realized that I do have a substance problem. I use marijuana to try and cover my past. When I was younger I was involved in the streets. I was hanging with gang members doing things a 13 year old shouldn’t do. I saw my friends get killed, I held my best friend as he took his last breath. I have used drugs to cover my pain. Thank you for teaching me that I will be okay eventually. I will be better for myself.
This class had a decent sized impact on me. I heard things that sounded a lot like me and I plan to change.
An impact this class had on me this week was it made me rethink my bad habit decisions. I learned to deal with my problems instead of turning to bad habits to help my pain.
It’s opened my eyes to what I’ve been doing and the people I’ve been hurting by only thinking about myself and how I feel.
This class has made me realize that ignoring my problems doesn’t mean that they are solved. It just means I’ll have to deal with the pain later.
This class has impacted me by proving just how important the body and social, mental, and physical pain is. These lessons show me how different my life can be.
This class has impact me in many ways. The new learning lesson that I’ve been listening to impact me in become more confident that we should stand for what’s right. It’s good to have the positive, good, right choices.
This class impact my life in the way that I learned so many things of how to take care and love myself, be responsible with the choices that I’m going to make. It answered questions that I was happy to learn about.
This class impacted me by showing me that love is different than just having sexual relations with a person. It’s all factors. You put in perspective and helped make the idea clear. I feel this will help me in future relationships and life.
The impact that this class had for me is to really think about who I want in my circle and what I want for my future. This class helped me understand more about your friends, drugs, sex, and how I want my future.
Really opened up thing that I had no clue was unhealthy. I feel more knowledge now. Thank you.
The biggest impact this class has had on me this week is that of knowing my options. I now understand and realize what & why some decisions take me where they do.
One thing that has impacted me is the huge connection that a physical, emotional, and spiritual relationship all have on each other. You really can’t just have one of the three. The all play into each other.
This class had an impact on me of not doing drugs.
I thought about myself. I need to start letting go of negative things. If I don’t stop now then where would I end up? I need to be positive and accept myself.
This impact has taught me how to find happiness and how to make life as best as possible.
You made me learn how to have self respect, and to quit messing with people who aren’t in my bubble. You showed me that a good guy wants more than sex.
I’ve been inspired by your positive advice and your great knowledge to be a better person in my life. Thanks for sharing such a great information with me. I’m very thankful of you.
It made me think a lot about my friends, and if they deserve my trust. Sometimes I give unearned trust to people and I get hurt. Now that I can see my mistake I can hopefully work to improve this.
Learned the effects sex can easily lead to and the consequences. It should be a required class to learn this stuff.
This class has opened my eyes to my future, the things I can do, and the things I should avoid.
One thing that impact me in this was the talk about keeping my anger inside and pushing people away that care about me.
Knowing that what I do right now can affect the rest of my life, and knowing that people do care about you.
I heard many situations that are going through my life and how to deal with later on. You gave really good advice that I wish to learn more about.