Springdale High School
This class has taught me that my surroundings do not have to affect me. I can choose what to do with my life regardless of the crap I’ve been through. I CAN make future for myself.
This week has made me think harder about my actions, and I will work harder to become a better individual every day.
This class made me learn more about how sex works and I feel great that I learned about it. I have a friend who is having a baby and she didn’t really know about sex. She thought it was a fun thing to do but now she regrets it. This class helped me because it never felt comfortable talking about this before.
Really got me to think more and pay more attention to what I’m doing. It also got me to be sure that when I grow up, I really got to be careful of sex.
It made me open my mind more and decide I need to let go of some toxic people in my life and keep looking forward.
This whole week being in this class has changed the way I look at relationships and it has helped me a lot with how to live life and look for something positive ahead.
I am stopping myself from greatness because I think so negatively about myself. The negative thoughts must become positive thoughts and this class helped me see that.
Something very important that I learned this week was that leaning towards sex to cover up emotions isn’t healthy and cause you to look at certain things the wrong way.
It has made me rethink about the decisions I have made in my life and helped me realize I need to do better in school, at home, and on social media.
This class blew my mind because I never thought anything bad you do as a teen will affect your future self. I’ll change my habits now, I promise.
This class has impacted me by realizing that I’ve messed up and need to better myself. You see, I have this friend that gets a lot of girls and he convinced me to have sex a lot. This is something I have regretted for years now. I now know that sex isn’t the most important thing.
I learned that I’m the owner of my own decisions and my future.
This class has made me realize that there are some things in my life that I need to change so I can have a better future.
It has impacted me about learning more about myself, my body, and what I need to do to help me with things going forward.
You basically talked about everything I’ve been going through the past year. It makes me realize how I’m not the only one who has gone through these issues. All from the so called “love” to the substance abuse part. I thank you for taking the time to talk to us about this stuff.
It made me realize that I have a lot to live for.
This has helped me understand that I need to change a lot of aspects of my life and the stuff you said about week really changed the way I saw it.
This class has made me more valuable to myself.
It’s made me think more on my attitude towards life. I haven’t had the best life and it usually makes me feel not good about myself. This has kind of shown me it’s ok as long as take care of the things I have control over.
This class has made me rethink what I was doing in my life. I was being pressured into vaping but I refused every time. This class helped me stop talking to those people and made me feel like what I did was right.
It has helped with how I view things and staying out of toxic things and bettering myself. Putting myself first.
It impacted me in a lot of ways. You taught me how to take care of my body.
It’s made me rethink a lot of my life. I’ve started to really rethink my relationship with my boyfriend and a lot of my friends. It has also helped me to realize how I really do need to change a lot of the habits I have.
It’s helped me with realizing unhealthy habits and toxic relationships.
This week this class impacted me because I’ve learned important things about sexual activity that I didn’t know but is very useful. I also learned how to change your thinking which was very important to me.
It’s made me change my perspective on life. Overall an amazing class. It really helped me.
It changed my perspective on a lot of “activities” that I personally do. It was a good experience.
This class has taught me to think before I act. People say that a lot, but this class showed me why it is important.
This class has impacted me by showing me how to protect myself and to not be blinded by the people who surround me. To have more self respect.
It has helped me make better decisions. It made me more mature and realize that what others think about me is not most important.
It helped me to think about my mental health and to remember it gets better.
This class made me realize how many things I’m doing wrong and opened my eyes to what I can do to have a better future.
Made me more aware and content with who I am and the choices that I make.
This class has made me want to change how I view myself and others. You’ve given me a different perspective on life.
It’s had me thinking more about things I could improve on that I lack in. For example, I don’t have the strongest relationships with people because I have a hard time trusting.
Taught me to respect myself and how to be better to others and myself.
This class impacted me in being intentional in the first few minutes of everyday. I have a goal in life to show up every day with a positive attitude.
To stop drinking and smoking.
This class has impacted me by making me realize I haven’t been the best person to people and to the person that I loved. This has made me become a wiser and better person.
This help me a lot to know about why I do things sometimes that I know are not correct. I learned how to be healthy physically and how to have my brain healthy too. Thank you. 😊
This class this week has impacted me a lot because I’ve realized that having traps in a relationship isn’t good for you. Also, it has taught me that we have a long future ahead of us and don’t waste time being so negative. Stop having those relationships that make you feel down.
This class has impacted me because it has gotten me to think more about what I need to do than what I want to do.
I know now that I need to be more aware of certain situations, and that there’s always opportunities to fix things even when they may seem unfixable.
It changes the way I look at a physical relationship with someone.
This class impacted me because it made me open my eyes to so many things, especially about sex. I know so many of my friends that don’t care and now I can help them and their future.
It changed the way I live my life. More cautious and aware.
It has impacted me a lot. Showed me the good in life that can come based on MY actions. And that even on the darkest days, there will always be light to look at if you choose to.
I see myself as helpless at times. Years and years of my life have been blocked by what has/could happen. This class has opened my eyes. I still need a lot of help, but I hope one day to get there. Thank you, Mr. Pratt, for trying your hardest to help people.
This has impacted me in many ways. It definitely opened my eyes to reality and has motivated me to quit drinking and putting toxic things in my body. And it helped me realize I need to let some people go in order to find myself.
It helped me reflect on past decisions and take better choices for my health. It also helped me see a different perspective on may subjects that will be helpful for my well-being (emotional, mental, physical). Thank you!
This class has impacted me in a positive way. I think I have learned so much, many things I didn’t know about. Being healthy and safe was something that stood out too during this week. Healthy relationships is a huge impact on people.
This class impacted me by being a good boyfriend towards my girl.
The impact the Reality Check program had me was interesting. I learned a lot about the many things in my life that I wanted to know, but didn't know how to learn. It really helped me understand many issues me and some of my peers have in our daily lives. It was good to learn more things about the human body, how it works, and how it reacts.
It's taught me to take care of myself a lot better now.
It helped me see what I need to change and do differently in my life so I can have a better future ahead of me.
That I still have a lot of time to reach my goal.
The type of impact I got on Reality Check was great. I really learned a lot and will certainly take account on information that I learned in my own personal life.
It showed me how I need to learn everything and for my future on what I need to focus on.
The Reality Check was what the name intended and gave me a reality check and showed me the reality of the world and what to avoid and what to look out for in our adolescence.
This impacted me to not do drugs and to not follow other people’s decisions.
It showed me to be more aware of things around me and how to better myself and what to lookout for.
Showed me facts that taught me to protect myself
It taught me to make good choices right now for the future.
It has made me more educated. I did not know a lot of what he talked about beforehand so learning more in depth about this, since it will have more relevancy later in life, was nice.
Reality Check has impacted me because it has helped me become more self aware about myself, I feel like hearing someone talk about all of these things that can impact me negatively has helped me as a person to become more cautious and better at taking care of myself.
I have a better understanding on the control I have on myself including my body and my choices.
It made me have a second look in life and the way I love others.
It really opened my mind to things about like effects on the brain when it comes to emotions and sexual activities. Especially the last day when we were told that we have so much of our lives left to change our past and make a better path for ourselves really touched me.
It informed me on a lot of things that I had heard about but hadn't quite done deep research on. It gave me a deeper understanding of multiple things but it also gave me a new perspective from which to see things.
I learned a lot about how anything could affect my life in just a short span. I opened my eyes a little for what I would to do for a change and it was just an amazing experience overall.
It impacted me by being more educated with the real world, it taught me a lot of things honestly and I wish I had this class more my jr high or middle school years.
The Reality Check program impacted me by knowing and teaching me ways I can control my emotions and what I’m doing.
It helped me know how to do the right things.
I learned how to make better choices in order to improve my life.
To improve for myself and make better choices.
It made me want to think more of my future and change my ways with dealing negative thoughts.
It was good information that I can use personally and to help my cousins.
It helped me realize that I'm more than I think I am. I am loved and worthy.
It opened my eyes up to see all the things that someone can go through. It has also made me realize that I need to be a bit more careful and thoughtful about some of the things I do.
Taught me that I shouldn't waste my life being a low life knowing I can take a chance of becoming a somebody or have a decent life without all the bad decisions. We only live once, we must make the best of it.
The Reality Check program helped me realize that I am lovable and worthy.
It made me think that I shouldn't just give up half way in my life because there is more to life than that moment.
What impacted me was the talk about teen pregnancy. The talk about STD made me realize how dangerous it is to fool around with anyone just because.
I loved all the lessons you taught. Especially the sex talk and to think a lot of ahead of yourself before making a decision. Marijuana / drug use because I have close people who I love who are doing weed.
I just want to say thank you for being honest no matter what we were talking about.
I think the alcohol and drugs have helped me the most because right now my two closest friends are just drinking and doing drugs all the time now. So this helps to keep me away more.
The information about relationships has helped me the most because I know now that if I feel forced to do something then I should leave.
What impacted me is when you talked about weed because my brother would act the exact way you said and it made me think.
This class impacted me in a big way I am not going to do drugs because its hurts your brain connections and I am goin two think more about what kind of people I want in my life.
Learning about your feelings showed me that you control your own.
I learned to take it easy when you are dating.
What impacted me the most was how bad alcohol and drug influence can affect the commutation in the brain.
Goals/barriers was the most impactful to me because it showed me to stay focused on my goals. It showed me that many things may get in the way.
The thing got me is the love part you said don't rush love really got me.
The information that hit me the most was the STD's, condoms section because I didn't know all of that stuff until now. Thank you for the information.
I wish I would have had this class since junior high. As a senior it has allowed me to understand mistakes and given me the tools to fix in the future. It was awesome, and very informative. Thankful for the time you spent with us.
It really opened my mind a bit. Seeing how many things you’ve said I have seen in my life, with others or myself. I’ve learned many more things this week than I would in most classes.
I tend to be an angry person, but this class has helped me step back and realize that I could do better with myself. I’ve realized that I don’t need to treat people like I was treated in my early years.
It has shown me that there are groups (and adults) that care about me and other teens. It has convinced me to continue through with the academic programs I am in.
Great things that will be enough for me to not make stupid decisions. Especially the part about relationships and how to take care of myself and how to take each step toward the future where I can have my own family. Thank you for visiting/teaching us!
It made me feel like my life was more valuable. It made me realize that I can live on from the past. It made me realize I have hope for my future. I am so thankful for you coming here to talk to us. Thank you!!
I’ve decided to take life more seriously and stop doing stupid things and making stupid decisions.
It made me think about how I should respond to certain things. Not stay silent, speak up. Shows me examples how to take care of my thoughts.
I learned about how sexual activity is far less important than what I thought. All my relationships with the opposite gender relied on sex. It was a blindfold to what was most important.
Honestly, it has had a huge impact. You taught me that it is easy to make mistakes, but you shouldn’t dwell on it cause we have a long future ahead of us to learn from it. I haven’t had the brightest past. I went from trusting my bio family (parents) to trusting no one. My dad did drugs. It hurt me. But I learned that it’s not my fault and it doesn’t have to get in the way of my happiness. Thank you!!
I’ve been struggling with the past and with relationships and just hearing the motivational words and what to do and not do has cleared up some of my confusion. I needed to know my choices are up to me.
It’s certainly made me think of situations, people, and other things in different ways. Really an eye-opener. Most of the things you said really got to me and is what I’m still trying to communicate to other people today.
This class made me learn everything I didn’t know about so it was worth not missing a day of school because you learn everything new!
Taught me the importance of letting people in my circle that didn’t deserve a spot. This world is cruel and full of hate and now everything you’ve explained to me this week gave me a much better understanding and I thank you.
It has opened my mind A LOT and shown me what I’ve been doing wrong. I am very grateful for you coming here and sharing this with us this past week, you are changing lives.
It’s made me cry and realize there’s plenty to live for and how I should learn to continue with life. It’s given me a new look at life and I’m very thankful.
It informed me on how things like sex or drugs can affect me and how important it is to look at the future and plan the life I truly want and look forward to. Thank you for coming and teaching us!
These lessons did impact me. It showed me that I should be careful of the choices I make because it can affect those around me and myself.
I have taken in to consideration more about the social choices I make. I am also more cautious about the sexual decisions I make. and their impact. I also learned the impact that can follow acting without thinking.
I want to go ahead and begin by thanking Reality Check! I suffer from certain issues that just keep me feeling worthless... Just to hear that I matter and that I have a purpose had me fighting back tears. Nobody has talked to me like this besides my mom! Thank you for all you do. I won't ever give up on my dreams.
You've definitely helped me figure some things out. I realized I haven't really been setting boundaries for myself. I'm gonna try to work harder because when you said "it's never too late to start making good choices" I felt that. And I loved you teaching us. I'm gonna miss you!!! Thank you for making me see some stuff.
This week I have learned so much about the hard topics of being a teenager and I really enjoyed the way you taught me about it. You impacted me and made me realize that there is so much better for me than what I have so far and I can do better.
This week has informed me very much about STD's. I have always wanted to wait until marriage to have sex but this really made me re-establish that personal choice within myself. Also, I can inform people I am friends with that weed is very damaging to the brain, because sometimes they say it's not bad since it's "non-addicting". I also know I will be able to safely educate my children or nephews/nieces in the future.