Classroom Curriculum
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Everybody Changes
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“Everybody Changes” is developed to reach students in 5th and 6th grade regarding the changes that occur during puberty. Reality Check, Inc. provides “Everybody Changes” classes in a one hour time frame for gender separate classes.
- Power point lecture style
- Fast pace
- Age Appropriate
- Captures the Imagination and Heart
Topics That Are Addressed:
- Changes: Same/Different
- Male/Female Reproductive Systems/Menstruation
- Social Changes
- Emotional Changes
Available for purchase, training, and curriculum.
Choosing the Best Way
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Choosing the Best Way is a six (6) day program for 6th grade students. Students receive a manual, homework awards, and six (6) days of programming.
Program Contents:
Deciding on Your Future:
Students talk about the importance of making smart decisions. Students then discover how decisions help them reach their goals, especially when linked with determination.
Figuring Out Friendships and Relationships:
This lesson begins by looking at the qualities of a good friend, then progresses to understanding crushes, infatuations and true love through a fun-filled activity. Learning respect for the other person is part of this lively session.
Avoiding Unhealthy Relationships:
Students discover how emotional needs may leave them vulnerable to unhealthy relationships. Included is an honest, but discreet, discussion about sexual abuse. An engaging activity helps students discover their personal uniqueness.
Identifying the Risks: Students may know about some risks associated with sexual activity, but this session presents a frank examination of teen pregnancy and STDs, as well as the emotional effects often not discussed. From this study, students see the need for compassion.
Learning How to Say NO:
Once students choose abstinence, they need tools to help them stick with their decision. First, they see how alcohol can destroy their abstinence pledge. Then, students try out different ways to say NO and keep a friendship. Students learn that courage helps them stand up and stick with their decisions.
Choosing the Best Way:
Risks provide reasons why students should avoid sexual activity. This sessions study of abstinence offers the positive benefits of waiting until marriage. At the end of this session students have a chance to make the healthy choice to sign the Abstinence Pledge.
Choosing the Best Path
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Choosing the Best Path is an eight (8) day program for 7th grade students, plus 2 days for pre/post testing.
Students receive a manual, homework awards, and eight (8) days of programming.
Program Contents:
Sex: Everyone's Talking About It:
Teens discover the overlooked emotional consequences of sexual activity, and learn the importance of self-respect.
The Risks of STDs and HIV/AIDS:
Often believing It cant happen to me, students study the most common STDs, how STDs are spread, and the need for compassion.
Teen Pregnancy and Safe Sex:
Teen study the lost dreams of youth and highlight the importance of responsibility.
Pressures to be Sexually Active:
Students identify and discuss four major pressures, including alcohol use and abuse, which contribute to teens sexual activity, and they learn the role of respect in overcoming these pressures.
Choosing the Best Path:
After hearing the case for abstinence, teens are encouraged to make their own commitment to the healthy life choices, especially the choice for abstinence until marriage.
Set It! The Need for Boundaries:
In a fun activity, students see what guys and girls look for in a relationship, while learning about infatuation and love. Teens realize that self-discipline helps them set personal boundaries.
Say It! The Need to Speak Up:
After learning the skills of saying NO, students put them into practice, finding out that it often takes courage.
Show It! The Need to Be Assertive:
Four role-plays provide practical ways for teens to test their newly acquired skills as they recognize the need for perseverance.
Choosing the Best Life
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Choosing the Best Life is an eight day program for 9th - 12th grade students, plus two (2) days for pre/post testing. Students receive a manual, homework awards, and eight (8) days of programming.
Program Contents:
Sex, Emotions and Self-Respect: Teens learn how guys and girls view sex differently, while grappling with the emotional impact of sex before marriage.
Sex, Alcohol and Respect:
Teens look at the consequences of mixing alcohol and sex, as they learn startling statistics about alcohol.
Sex, STDs and Honesty:
A powerful age appropriate, medically accurate presentation introduces students to the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases. They see for themselves the damage of specific STDs.
Sex, Pregnancy and Responsibility: Teens study the struggle of an unintended pregnancy. After teens evaluate choices and consequences, they see the value of choosing to be abstinent until married and are encouraged to persevere to reach goals if they are a teen parent. They are also encouraged to support teen parents that they know.
Sex, HIV and Compassion:
After watching two young adults share how it feels to live with AIDS, teens separate myths from facts about HIV/AIDS, and in the process, learn compassion.
Sex, Love and Healthy Choices:
Teens hear others share why theyve chosen abstinence. After evaluating the options for themselves, students are given the opportunity to commit to abstinence until marriage.
Sex, Limits and Self-Discipline:
Beginning with self-discipline, teens learn practical ways to handle sexual pressure from peers and others.
Sex, Saying NO and Courage: Practical role-plays enable students to develop and sharpen assertiveness skills.
Choosing the Best Journey
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Choosing the Best Journey is an eight (8) day program for 10th - 12th grade students, plus two (2) days for pre/post testing. Students receive a manual, homework assignments, and eight (8) days of programming.
Program Contents:
Setting Goals:
Teens learn the importance of having goals, including three steps to setting goals, as well as how the consequences of teen sexual behavior can keep them from reaching their goals.
Making the BEST Decisions:
Engaging in-class activities illustrate that making good decisions requires a thoughtful process and that there are three main barriers to making good decisions. Teens learn startling statistics about alcohol that demonstrate how alcohol impairs good decision-making, including a discussion about date rape.
Avoiding Pregnancy:
A powerful video introduces students to the consequences of teen pregnancy and a creative in-class activity helps teens realize the financial impact of being a teen parent. Students learn that only abstinence can completely eliminate the possibility of a teenage pregnancy.
Avoiding STDs:
Compelling and up-to-date information is provided about the most common STDs, including what they are, how they are transmitted, and why teens are particularly susceptible to getting STDs. Real-life teens and young adults share their life-changing consequences of getting an STD, including HIV. The lesson concludes with teens learning why safe sex does not completely eliminate their chance of getting an STD.
Developing the BEST relationships:
This fascinating lesson presents teens with five steps to help build the best relationships, including how to avoid common relational traps. Teens learn that being the right person is important to having the best relationships and the lesson includes an exercise on building self-esteem.
Choosing Abstinence Until Marriage:
Teens learn about the negative emotional effects of sex before marriage and how abstinence provides freedom: freedom from physical and emotional risks and the freedom to pursue dreams and personal goals. After evaluating the options for themselves, students are given the opportunity to commit to abstinence until marriage. Finally, students learn that compatibility, character, and commitment are all important elements of the best relationships.
Overcoming the Pressure:
The lesson opens by addressing the pressures in the media and from peers to be sexually active, including a discussion on the problem of pornography. Teens learn the importance of self-discipline and setting sexual boundaries as a way to overcome these pressures.
Being Assertive:
Teens learn and practice, via role plays, specific assertiveness skills to overcome sexual pressures, including the very effective Set It, Say It, Show It and Yes-No-Yes techniques.
Choosing the Best Soul Mate
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Choosing the Best Soulmate is a five (5) day program for high school students who have previously had Reality Check, Inc. programming. It teaches life skills, personality assessment, how to develop relationships, and how to increase your emotional intelligence.
Program Contents:
Finding the Right One:
Answers the questions What makes a good soul mate? How do you know the difference between love, lust, and infatuation? What causes a relationship to last? It cautions students on avoiding five fatal relational traps, including The Sex Trap, and highlights Six Steps to Choosing the Best SOUL MATE:
• Consider yourself
• Chemistry
• Compatibility
• Character
• Communication
• Commitment
This lesson ends with a self-rating exercise in which students evaluate their current relationship in the context of the questions asked.
Being the Right One:
Takes the student through a detailed Personality Survey that helps him/her identify their own temperament, including strengths, possible weaknesses and success situations. One page is devoted to each of the four temperament types Doers, Influencers, Relaters and Thinkers. Lesson 2 concludes with a Self-Confidence questionnaire.
Developing Relational Skills: presents a thought-provoking case study, followed
by a discussion of the tendency of opposites to attract only initially, tension-producing behaviors, and the importance of versatility in relationships. The lesson continues highlighting how to relate to different temperaments and ends with an interactive application.
Dating to Discover:
Covers the importance of dating (versus hooking up) as a vehicle for evaluating compatibility and for discovering essential character traits. The compatibility questionnaire and character observation exercise are effective tools to help students prepare for real-life situations and potential relationship problems.
Making Marriage Work:
Highlights two of the most important aspects of a healthy marriage relationship: communication and commitment. Students are taught how to avoid the most common communication mistakes that occur in relationships. They are also presented with the best strategies for communicating with the opposite sex, including how to improve listening and appreciation skills. The lesson stresses the importance of commitment in many areas of life, including marriage, and helps students understand the problems of cohabitation. The lesson concludes with students being asked to take a commitment and abstinence pledge.
Dream Boards (Key Stone Classes):
This lesson is taught in place of Making Marriage Work. Students assess and set goals in light of their personality style. They look at things that may distract them from achieving their goals. Students list boundaries to keep their goals safe.
X-Factor - Games with a Purpose
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A five (5) day program that provides “Games with a Purpose.”
It focuses on five (5) key areas:
- Boundary Setting
- Self-Control and Respect
- Risk Avoidance
- Self-Discipline
- Power and Freedom of Sexual Integrity
Available for purchase, training, and curriculum.
Corporate X-Factor
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Reality Check, Inc. "X-Factor: Games with a Purpose" works with companies to increase their value by increasing the value of their employees. This is accomplished through cutting-edge training techniques that decrease workplace stress and increase job satisfaction. The end result is a healthier, more productive employee and a healthier, more productive company.
"Relationship RX" Marriage Program
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“Relationship Rx” is an 8-10 hour workshop for couples. It can be done weekly in a eight week time frame or weekly in a four week time frame of 2 hour blocks.
The goal is to develop a Couples Mission Statement. This is a two-minute statement that gets and keeps couples focused.
Below are a few comments from couples that have been through “Relationship Rx”:
The truthfulness of the class was great! Love the lectures on the vasopressin and oxytocin and how that can impact intimacy. I have learned that taking care of my wife first will ultimately in turn, take care of me. Loved the class! Thank you!
I loved how “Real” and honest the class was. What I got most out of the class, was that our marriage commitment is not an “Every-once-in-awhile-time” thing – But a DAILY choice to love and respect your spouse. The Mission Statement was awesome in setting your life’s goals and statements to strive for every day. Thank you!
This class made us Talk about things that we thought we already knew about our marriage. Thank you for taking your time to share with us!
It made us be intentional about spending time working on our marriage. We now have a statement to find common ground in our marriage.
Available for purchase, training, and curriculum.
Teen Seminar
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Reality Check offers 1-day “Teen Seminars” that range in duration from one to three hours per student group. These seminars can be used as a kick-off, or as a later supplement, to the regular classroom program. Seminars are presented to groups of no more than 50 students at a time in order to maintain the personal rapport building that is achieved through the interactive presentation. The same presentation can be given to multiple groups of students at the same school in the same day. Potential topics to choose from include any combination of goals, relationships, boundary setting, risks of sexual intimacy (STD's, emotional risk), dating violence/sexual abuse, character/integrity concepts, maturity/hormones, healthy/unhealthy way to meet basic emotional needs, drugs/alcohol, pressures (media, peers, etc.) and the reproductive system.