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Clarksville High School


  • It helped me understand the meaning of the word NO!  You can say no to anything and everything.  It is your choice.

  • Impacted me be seeing I’m more valuable than I think I am.

  • This class has really been my reality check.  It taught e health facts I needed to know & fully understand.  I needed to know this so I can help others such as my sisters, my future children and grandchildren.  Thank you!

  • It will help me to start organizing my life.  This will start a whole new life.

  • It has shown me that just because I had a bad past it doesn’t mean I will have a bad future.  Because of this class my grades have gone from C’s and D’s to A’s and B’s.  Thank you for opening my eyes.

  • The class for the past 5 weeks made me feel better about my life and body.

  • This class has really opened my eyes and made me realize that I can change things in my life including relationships I have with friends and family.  Thank you for coming here.

  • Impacted me by letting me know everything is going to be alright and learning about the way things work.

  • It has refreshed my brain and learning what to do and not do.  Overall, teens need a lot of this.

  • This class has taught me so much, but I would have to say that day 4 – relationships, affected me the most because I really need to understand how to better myself for others and how to know the difference between love and infatuation.  I didn’t know that before you really put it into perspective.

  • It helped me know how to take care of my mental health better.

  • It made me think more about the decisions I make in life and how I make them.  Also, the process of what I weigh my decisions on.

  • Made me think and seek help so I can be better in my future.

  • This class has impacted me by making me realize so many new things.  I would’ve never thought that so many things can affect you emotionally and physically.  I learned so much and I’m very glad I did honestly.

  • It’s taught me to be careful in my sexual and social choices.  To not just trust anybody with my body.  It’s important for me to consider my actions as it could also affect other people around me.

  • This class has impacted me in the way that it helped me realize that the heartbreak, the manipulation, the pain I’ve experienced is just a tiny footnote in a live where I have the ability to create positive memories.

  • I already knew most of the topics, but talking about serious ones like relationships and sex really opened my thinking and I’d like to pass on that information because it’s useful.

  • It made me realize how toxic my relationship was and how I have been hurting myself and other people.

  • It’s give me information that I didn’t even think I needed.  It’s changed how I view certain situations now.

  • This class has impacted me by letting me know that whatever I’m experiencing now doesn’t have to define who I can be.

  • It’s made me questions my decisions and rethink how I’m living my life.

  • This class has impacted me by showing that I’m valuable and people shouldn’t pressure you and you shouldn’t do anything unless YOU decide to make that decision.

  • Made me think a lot more about the bad stuff I do.  And made me push someone out of my life because she’s always discouraging me.

  • The class was very good and I want to learn more.  I think there should be more lessons that teens really need to learn.

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